An A-Z of The Fall - G
G is for... Daren Garratt Perhaps the most often misspelled of group members, he was (alongside Pete Greenway) in Pubic Fringe, who supported The Fall on several occasions. He first appeared on stage with the group in 2004, adding backing vocals to 'Touch Sensitive' at the 29 July gig in Stourbridge. He covered for Keiron Melling’s paternity leave in late 2013 before playing – highly effectively – as second drummer throughout much of 2014-2015; he also made a valuable contribution to The Remainderer . Daren played with The Nightingales as well, and made a fleeting appearance in the recent documentary King Rocker . German MES wasn't averse to throwing a bit of German into his lyrics, even if he couldn't actually speak the language at all (Brix suggested he tried to learn it from Nazi war movies). 'Das Vulture Ans Ein Nutter-Wain', for example, is grammatical nonsense; the closest you can get to a translation is ‘the vulture and another one’ or even ‘the vultur...