"I Prefer The Session Version..." (Part 2)
The 'Session vs Official' League A quick summary of part 1 : it was a close-run thing so far, with 'official' tracks (i.e. those that appeared on albums, singles, etc.) leading the Peel session versions by one point. Official victories went to: Mother-Sister! Rebellious Jukebox Put Away Like To Blow Jawbone And The Air-Rifle Middle Mass Lie Dream Of A Casino Soul Hip Priest Look, Know Winter Smile These Peel versions were winners: Futures And Pasts Industrial Estate No Xmas For John Quays The Container Drivers New Face In Hell Deer Park Who Makes The Nazis? Garden Strife Knot Eat Y'self Fitter I declared C'n'C - Hassle Schmuck / C'n'C-S Mithering to be a draw (much to the derision of some of the more militant voices on the Fall Online Forum !) and of course Mess Of My doesn't have an 'official' version to compete against. I have had, however, a change of heart regarding New Puritan though (it's my blog, I can do that sort of thin...