The Fall Cryptic Crossword #2


My first Fall-themed cryptic crossword was, on reflection, a bit convoluted and complex, because I endeavoured to make every single clue a Fall title or a word/phrase from one of the group's lyrics. This led me to get a little tied up in knots on occasion.

This time, I simplified things a bit and made it a 'regular' cryptic that happened to have a Fall theme. If you haven't had a go yet, you can download it here.

The Solution

Definitions are underlined; answers in red; Fall connections in blue.


8 Country lost its exoticism somehow (6)

MEXICO Anag. of exoticism - its (Mexico Wax Solvent)

9 Loss of daughter causes disposition to become low (3)

MOO mood (disposition) - d (daughter) 

10 Central Bhutan - a hot state (4)

UTAH ut (centre of Bhutan) + a + h (hot)

11 Danger ably diverted, for the most part (2,3,5)

BY AND LARGE Anag. (diverted) of danger ably

12 Solitary-sounding advance (4)

LOAN Homophone of lone 

13 One who triturates church vessel (6)

CHEWER ch (church) + ewer (vessel) (triturate = to chew) (Anecdotes+Antidotes in B# / (Jung Nev's) Antidotes)

16 Learned about preceding heads of British research and learning (8)

CEREBRAL c (about) + ere (preceding) + bral (heads of British research and learning) (Cerebral Caustic)

17 Wrong saw revamped (7)

UPDATED up (as in what's up?/what's wrong?) + saw (dated, as in went out with)

18 Candle I melted in Nordic country (7)

ICELAND anag. of candle I (Iceland)

22 Conviviality I found in good French residence (8)

BONHOMIE I in bon (good French) + home (residence)

25 About turn, small submersibles! (1-5)

U-BOATS anag. (turn) of about + s (small) (Das Boat)

26 Musical opening has an irresistible refrain (4)

HAIR opening letters of has an irresistible refrain

27 Expresses how many quit in fear, panicked (10)

QUANTIFIER anag. (panicked) of quit in fear (Gut of the Quantifier)

30 Range is about right for Indian city (4)

AGRA aga (range) about r (right)

31 Anger viewer, reportedly (3)

IRE homophone of eyer (viewer)

32 Smooth, viable deodorant (4-2)

ROLL-ON roll (smooth, as in to roll out) + on (viable, as in working)


1 Desirable old flame spotted in outskirts of Salisbury (4)

SEXY ex (old flame) in sy (outskirts of Salisbury)

2 Autograph flag (4)

SIGN double definition

3 Oak surround for old lintel edges? Fine - no charge! (4-4)

TOLL-FREE tree (oak) surrounding o (old) + ll (edges of lintel) + f (fine)

4 Country support group conceals twisted crime (7)

AMERICA aa (support group) around (conceals) meric - anag. (twisted) of crime (A Part of America Therein)

5 Deluge covering South East is unreal (6)

POSEUR pour (deluge) around (covering) se (South East) (Arms Control Poseur)

6 Housing a bear leads to uproar (10)

HULLABALOO hull (housing) + a + baloo (bear)

7 Singularly crazy? (6)

BANANA singular form of bananas = crazy (Dktr Faustus)

Bit of a dodgy clue, as it lacks a definition. Perhaps should have been 'singularly crazy fruit'.

14 Trendy joint (3)

HIP double definition (Hip Priest)

15 He predicts if fellow will be heard (10)

WEATHERMAN homophone (will be heard) of whether (if) + man (fellow) (A Lot Of Wind)

19 Mixes up 150 voices (8)

CLUTTERS cl (150) + utters (voices) (Your Future Our Clutter)

20 Catch in humane trap (3)

NET found in humane trap (Adult Net)

21 Debauched bad seed fixed up (7)

DEBASED anag. (fixed up) of bad seed (Disney's Dream Debased - also Nick Cave connection)

23 Zero scope for protestant order (6)

ORANGE o (zero) + range (scope) (I Am Kurious Oranj)

24 Nobleman has no right to create resistance (6)

MAQUIS marquis (nobleman) - r (right) (Marquis Cha Cha)


28 Collapse and yield to temptation (4)

FALL double definition for the group!

29 God has aching back (4) 

EROS sore (aching) reversed (back)

My third Fall-themed cryptic can be found here.


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